some of noyse in Live 8

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some of noyse in Live 8

Postby deurquiza » Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:57 pm

Hi people!

I wanted to come and leave my technique to make a sultil or no distortion at either hits or kicks voice

first for sound a litlle bit industrial and not so much crushed i thinks this is an option
the overdrive giv you a "sutil industrial effex, its my opinion!
Image specifications do not need to move the knob drive for more or less distortion on the kick.

try too with a Corpus/subkickmarker (object beam option. put in on the filter in the freqenzy right in the punch of the kick this givyou a really industrial dub sound fx

all rigth, now if you have a kick and you love that kick but you want a bit more hardcore vibe, i have another option for you kids jaja


i recommend the 12bit fidelity, in 3 our 4 of bit reducction o of course 2 our 1 reduction for a kick from the fucking hell! jaja.

For have a sound more "gabber" i am used this convination, and works really cool for me. check

effex Saturator just a bit of drive, with the effex Redux (no much reduction) and Erosion/noyse effex.

this convination givyou a really harder sound if you thinks if this so much crushed you can changue the redux for one overdrive or eliminated.

for the all of convination toy can and i recommend put a limiter/push and this giving you , or course a sound more lauder but too a distorted more compact!

I hope it fits!

sorry for my english
Last edited by deurquiza on Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:51 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby rtificial » Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:01 pm

Nice post! Good job with the picture clips too. Also of note is some of them effects are live 8 only.

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