virtual drumline, or marching drum samples?

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virtual drumline, or marching drum samples?

Postby avisupchurch » Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:16 am

This is gonna sound really lame, but I need good samples of marching percussion like the ones found in the program Virtual Drumline 2.5

So far I haven't had any luck in getting the actual program but maybe someone who has used it has exported the samples?

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Postby ParkerM » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:59 am

I spent a few hours sampling drums from their demos. All the wavs are transcodes of mp3s on the site, but they'll work fine for simple stuff. The velocities are a bit off but I'll leave that up to the user.

Here's the pack:

And here's a small example I made using the samples: ... howoff.mp3

Sorry for the bump, but this is one of the first results in Google, so I'm posting it here.

Edit: Wow these are fun to play with ... things.mp3

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