biggest cuntflaps in music

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biggest cuntflaps in music

Postby a. Fiend » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:25 pm ... re=related

i like his music, i really do, but who the fuck is he to tell people how they should listen to music? the pretentious prick even goes on to say he makes music for everyone to hear, like he's some kind of fucking messiah of music, come to save the "ipod generation." got news for you steven, not everyone does listen to your music, in fact the vast majority of music listeners don't; most people listen to complete shite, which is fine by me, i hate people and if everyone started listening to the music i love i would probably blow my brains out without hesitation. and this shit about him smashing ipods? some people, myself included, like to listen to music privately, and the mp3 format does not degrade it unless you're an elitist cunt, like mr. wilson here. i even heard of an incident in which he took someone's ipod and destroyed it in public. if the skinny fuck ever did that to my ipod i would hospitalize him. music is constantly steven wilson, whether you like it or not, fuckin accept it. anyway, rant over. anyone else want to vent on cunts of the music business?
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Postby SweetPeaPod » Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:30 pm

i gotta say, i have NO IDEA who this person is... but i don't believe he's really saying anything that bad about it... for someone who didn't grow up in the ipod/Digi download era, he makes complete sense..
if you think about music listeners in this time period.. we're all listening on ipods.... listening to music on our laptops without speakers plugged in....
no one really has a Stereo in their house anymore.. (shut up, i know people do), but the vast majority are not.. so yes, the 'Quality' of music distribution and listening is a tiny percent of what it use to be.
We use to listen on big ass speakers with our amps & eqs.. and what have you.
Before that, in the time long ago... if you wanted to hear someone play their piano works... you'd have to fucking actually BE THERE... or else, you're not hearing shit!!

i listen on my computer... i don't have a stereo in my house anymore.... just got one, but that's besides the point.. i listen on my monitor speakers, but that's because i care enough to spend 500+ dollars to up my 'quality of listening' /producing..
i use my ipod and car stereo to listen to mixes or tracks i'm working on..
and i love them, but i do hate how this generation listens to music.. it is a shame. you'll make frequencies in a track that not everyone will hear, so in fact, their getting a shitty fax copy of your Letter.

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Postby Feutus Lapdance » Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Looks like we found a new Bonno here...

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Postby Anthropophagic Messiah » Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:26 am

Seems like he makes a fair point. If you're gonna experience a piece of music properly you're going to have to do it in whatever environment it was designed for. And that's usually not sitting on a bus listening to an ipod with shitty headphones.

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Postby Feutus Lapdance » Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:32 am

Jou know.....I colect getoblasters from flee markets and garage sales. The sound of a geto blaster....BOOOOM....Thats some goode shit. Fuck those Ifones, Ipods and there smal speakers. Getoblasters is wat jou need.....

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Postby verdroid » Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:34 am

nice points... Except..
People listening trough crappy headphones on a bus also are listening to lady gaga and madonna. Metal guys mostly rides a black car witch a huge amp and at home they do have stereo or garage with a wall of sound. And for us the most serious producers has monitors or something good. Even for the headphones: fans of britney spears, madonna and pop music, but actually dont care 'bout music are gonna buy those with beautiful colours, or nice artwork headphones from candy skull, waaaw. Again the producer will search for quality. Then its up to us to make music sound good on everything. Even as a bad copy...

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Postby DISEMBOWELLED » Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:18 pm

Anthropophagic Messiah wrote:Seems like he makes a fair point. If you're gonna experience a piece of music properly you're going to have to do it in whatever environment it was designed for.

amen. I despair at people listening through laptop speakers, I mean seriously wtf.

I don't have a problem with mp3 though, for the record (pun not intended)

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Postby SweetPeaPod » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:35 am

no matter what genre.. earbuds are a horrible way to enjoy music.. especially when people don't know any better. doesn't matter how great your production is.. it's shit. so are computer speakers... the gripe is the times.. the technology has taken from the essence of music.. so do the major labels, radio, and media.
Any fucking bass-heads out there?!?!?!?!!! like, real bass-heads from actual shows? can i get a, "WHAA? WHAT DID YOU SAY? I CAN'T HEAR YOU 'CAUSE I'VE HAD MY HEAD IN A TOWER OF SPEAKERS ALL FUCKING NIGHT"

Hey, earbuds are to speakers like what a dildo is to a penis... the dildo wants to be a penis... it acts like one, looks like one... but it sure as shit aint one!
So, if you guys wanna go stick a dildo in your ear with the rest of the ........

......ahhhhh fuck it... No, earbuds and i-things rock.

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Postby Sense of Direction » Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:44 am

I don't like ipods + earbuds and stuff anyways, probably going to be a massive increase in tinnitus sufferers over the years since this shit has been introduced and people aren't educated on how to use them, I call it the tinnitus generation.

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Postby ohmega sir » Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:37 am


laugh now but one day we will be in charge

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Postby thesavageapesofmars » Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:29 pm

I'm quite happy with my 50 euro ear-butts. They have decent sound and you don't have to turn up the volume all the way to hear everyting like with the cheap ones. So it's a lot better for your hearing. The only downside is that I can't hear cars coming at me or people calling me from the other side of the street. They're waving and jumping and I keep walking like some arrogant prick. :roll:

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Postby kowalczyk » Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:46 pm

thesavageapesofmars wrote:I'm quite happy with my 50 euro ear-BUTTS.

Haha, oh my god I can't get that image out of my head now!
This is what I imagine an ear-BUTT would look like!


But, no seriously. I can't stand ear-buds.
They irritate my ears, and I can't have them in my ears for a long time.
I usually spend like 5 hours everyday in front of my computer, with my headset on, producing; and I think I might end up ripping my ears off if I had to have those things plugged in my ears for more than an hour.
Besides, I've never owned ear-buds that didn't break within 2 weeks. And they all had HORRIBLE sound! Bad experiences with ear-buds yo.

On another note: vinyl + big monitors from the 80s = godlike sound <3[/i]


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Postby verdroid » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:43 pm

damn right! my nephew has some real old speakers + very old quality amp (retro) and must admit: those sound awesome.

me got 25$ headphones from FAME: sounds good!
20$ headphones from sennheiser: also good (put you'll need to set them on a whiskey bottle, otherwise it's too tight when you put them on your head.

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Postby kosmonavt » Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:05 pm

I love downloading music and listening to it through the earbuds from my ipod.
Seriously. There are worse things happening in the world.

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Postby SweetPeaPod » Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:42 pm

Yeah, like i already shit three times already today. But for now, we are talking about shitty ear buds.


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