Casiotone style drums (i.e. shitty sounding elevator music)

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Casiotone style drums (i.e. shitty sounding elevator music)

Postby thedvs01 » Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:04 am

anyone know where I could find some of the shittiest, cheesiest, Casio style drum sounds. you know, like the kind of things that would be in the SAMBA preset on some shitty old keyboard or whatever. elevator music type stuff

here's some videos for if my description wasn't good enough

Cheesy, cheap-sounding drums basically.

edit: I actually found an old Casiotone MT-205 lying around my house that I forgot I had not long after I made this post, so I cracked that sucker open, de-soldered the speakers, and in their places soldered some RCA cables

Now I just have to sample up those wonderfully shitty drums and make some kits out of them

But still, if anyone knows of some Casiotone samples already compiled, then I'd still love to check those out

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Postby mindkontrolultra » Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:32 am

should find something similar in here.... the sk-1's beats are cool as fuck

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