Hey guys just a question on EQ.

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Hey guys just a question on EQ.

Postby TokyoTerror » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:38 pm

I finally got Ableton live I am super excited for making some sweet mash ups. I know my way around the program ok I just have trouble trying to get the right sound when I EQ samples. I don't know much about Dj'ing and EQ settings are there any suggestion on what I would be able to do to Isolate vocals and or drums from certain tracks?

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Postby weyheyhey !! » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:11 pm

yo. you can't isolate those things with EQ, but you can with other methods:

Vocals... you can usually extract the vocals because they are centred in the mix. And to extract the centre of the mix, you simply discard things that arent centred by inverting one channel and then mixing to mono. However, sometimes other instruments are also centred, like the bass line (which can be reduced with EQing) and so these things will still be present over the top of your vocal and you won't usually be able to get rid of them. Adobe Audition has a tool called "Centre Channel Extractor" which does all this work for you and loads more, it's great for extracting sounds out of mixes.

However, you're best off trying to find an acapella if you can.

Drums... you've got no chance. not possible, unless they're isolated in the left/right channel or they're the only thing in the centre of the mix.

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Postby TokyoTerror » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:29 pm

Hey thanks alot man, I will have to try that out when I get off work :)

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Postby TokyoTerror » Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:24 am

Are there any other suggestions for grabbing rhythms or bass line parts from songs?

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