Facebook Groups About Breakcore

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Facebook Groups About Breakcore

Postby Diptych » Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:44 am

... are there too many? How do they make you feel? Good? bad? or is it something new and weird like puberty?

Im new to the seen(orwhateverthismaybe) comparative to the activity of this blog/mostbreakcorerelatedthings and the last couple years after finding this awfully perfect genre I ended up joining far to many Facebook groups
I say "to many" only because the same people are active on all hundred some odd Facebook forums.

I tend to find Facebook a really amazing tool for networking! Which is something i value when working with things like art and music. they require invested interest to market or share.
Online venues are nice for rural hicks like me.
:oops: :idea: :oops:
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Re: Facebook Groups About Breakcore

Postby BreakforceOne » Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:42 am

I Hate Breakcore is all you need, really...
The thing with the Facebook Groups is that everyone just uses them for spamming shit, and dont forget that facebook also spies on you and shit...
https://www.facebook.com/BreakforceOne || https://soundcloud.com/breakforce-one

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Re: Facebook Groups About Breakcore

Postby Feutus Lapdance » Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:03 pm

I love spamming shit and partys and stuf. Good to keep in contact with old friends from the scene....

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Re: Facebook Groups About Breakcore

Postby Diptych » Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:09 pm

I truly appreciate this site on the basis of Facebook failing me, as well as it being the only goto place for people who actually want to talk about this stuff, i love spam if its meant to start a fun conversation. I Hate Breakcore's reputation has proceeded it. The spying makes it hard to believe that the work i do stays mine. I find that a problem especially because I'm a painter in my life outside of music. Art rarely stays yours now, but i guess thats becoming the nature of being a working artist in tho world that thrives off of new media social institutions. The thing i like about Facebook is it has a way to slightly legitimize DIY bands and bedroom producers in a way that allows them to consolidate their online venues like sound cloud/ band camp/whatever and share them with a more versatile audience, who wouldn't normally hear that type of music. or even bother looking for it. Facebook does seem like an elephant in the room, but i do suppose your right. It has grown into this corporate beast that only inspires marketing and commercialism, its definitely drifting away from being a social entity.

And that type of spamming doesn't bother me haha, i love when people post videos and shit from things like shows and parties just because it gives me something to watch, and it something that didn't happen to me so its new and invariably better than my life. :Boo please ignore the level of self-pity that just came out of my keyboard. it really wasn't intended to be that way. my fingers are more dyslexic than I.
"So, Hospitals are for cat's dogs or ambulances, I wish i could go home now."

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