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Postby DISEMBOWELLED » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:10 pm

^ well said. It's fucking unacceptable to listen to nazi shit and sit there going "i dun care about da lirics"

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Postby djtheblade » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:06 pm

Here is some very brief reading on the RAC movement if anyone is wondering what all the fuss is about. The kinda thing we all make jokes about although it's made all the more weird by the fact that people are dead serious about this white power bollocks. These assholes eventually grew in to Blood and honour, who are affiliated with numerous paramillitary/terrorist/racist gangs the world over.

National socialist black metal, as the name suggests, is gay

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Postby divtech » Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:13 pm

djtheblade wrote:
RAC has always been a load of creepy bollocks, ever since Ian stewart Donaldson started organising those whack-ass racist events in the UK it seems to have spread to every backwards shit hole in every seedy corner of Europe. The handful of sexually-frustrated dickweeds that turn up to the events are bigots and meatheads, and the National socialist metal scene carries about as much clout as Adolf Hitler in pink suspenders.

I'm glad Ian died in that car crash, he was a dreadful human being and so is anyone who listens to or legitimises that crap music, truly the only thing I hate more than Breakcore is:

A) Nazi rock, and
B) Nicole Sherzinger

thank you.

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Postby Terror-Freaker » Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:08 pm

djtheblade wrote:
Terror-Freaker wrote:
Necryte wrote:I've never heard of Rac or NSBM before. I'll have to look those genres up.

Those are both political-based music genre's. RAC means: Rock Against Communism, with lyrical themes as nationalism etc. NSBM meens: National Socialistic Black Metal, which speaks for itself. But for the same mather the lyrical theme could be farts, I don't understand the vocals in black metal whatsoever :lol:

RAC has always been a load of creepy bollocks, ever since Ian stewart Donaldson started organising those whack-ass racist events in the UK it seems to have spread to every backwards shit hole in every seedy corner of Europe. The handful of sexually-frustrated dickweeds that turn up to the events are bigots and meatheads, and the National socialist metal scene carries about as much clout as Adolf Hitler in pink suspenders.

I'm glad Ian died in that car crash, he was a dreadful human being and so is anyone who listens to or legitimises that crap music, truly the only thing I hate more than Breakcore is:

A) Nazi rock, and
B) Nicole Sherzinger

Skrewdriver is a crappy band whatsoever. I do listen a lot to Final War, I don't care what they sing about as long as it sounds good. I also listen to bands with leftist themes and bands who sing about mutilating people and rotting carcasses, so I really don't give a damn:)

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Postby djtheblade » Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:37 pm

National socialist metal and RAC represents such an obscure and vagrant corner of rock music that the only people who know about it are:

A) People who listen to punk and/or metal and know how utterly shit that stuff is, and
B) People who are seriously in to it, who have ties somewhere down the line to extreme politics, whether it's conventional anti-semitism or more commonly just general pointless hatred for anyone that looks a bit different to you.
I also know for a fact that there are a couple of Jewish people on this board, not that you've got to be Jewish to appreciate how cuntish the "musicians" involved in white power music are, but events of the last century still hit some sore spots more so than you might think.

People don't associate themselves with that guff by accident, or cus it 'sounds good LOL'. It's a tightly-nit albeit fucking hopeless scene of dick heads, and by its nature just doesn't attract casual passers by.

Nobody is gonna tell you what you can and can't listen to, it's the tossers who make that awful music who wanna impose the real restrictions on human freedom, but people are gonna treat you with suspicion at best if you casualy throw around the fact that you listen to extremist white power music. Absurdism is fine when you know there is no genuine dangerous intent, I could read offensive things all day on here (and often find myself doign so) about dead babies and eating frozen piss etc. But once you know how totally dedicated someone could be to sick shit (millitant white power music for example) a line is in most cases crossed for the majority of compus mentus people.

Nazi rock is a load of bollocks, and never even attracted any talented musicians, just meat heads and bigots. Rant over.

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Postby brainslushie » Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:55 pm

+1 for good rant, racism is fucking dumb.

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Postby Alex658 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:10 am

Been listening to metal sense I was 12 and still love it. Some of my favorites are Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Entombed, Nuclear Death, and Autopsy

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Postby ManInThePlanet » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:43 am

I've been a fan of metal since 14, starting out with Dio, Iron Maiden, Quiet Riot, Slayer, Metallica. Almost 4 years later, I'm into most metal besides black metal and power metal. Not a big fan of modern/nu/-core metal, in fact, I'm militant against it.

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Postby kosmonavt » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:02 am

ManInThePlanet wrote:I've been a fan of metal since 14, starting out with Dio, Iron Maiden, Quiet Riot, Slayer, Metallica. Almost 4 years later, I'm into most metal besides black metal and power metal. Not a big fan of modern/nu/-core metal, in fact, I'm militant against it.

I bet you like drumcorps' animosity remixes.

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Postby ManInThePlanet » Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:20 am

kosmonavt wrote:I bet you like drumcorps' animosity remixes.

I'll have to check those out...

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Postby VomitousDigital » Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:43 am

Supah No0b
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Postby Zirithis » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:27 am

most people who make metal and hardcore are black anyway


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