Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

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Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby producer_snafu » Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:50 pm

hey guys!
i'd like to have an open discussion with Mental Health!

Last year, after having my first Manic episode, i was diagnosed with Bipolar Type II.

the fact that this happened to me, baffled me.

i never thought i would be the type to have any kind of mental illness, but of course, all the symptoms were always there. i just needed something to flip out over, and i did.

i flipped out because i felt like i became to passionate of a person, and i was unable to figure out how i could express my love. i was delusional, but in a positive way, that never happened to me before, for the first time in my life, i felt like i loved myself, after 32 years of feeling like shit.

Depression plays a huge role in my life, but i have managed to keep my emotions under control, rather than feeling sorry for myself.

i became interested in finding more about my condition.

i was curious to know if any of you have to deal with anxiety, depression or any related mental health issues.

what medications do you take?
if not how do you maintain your emotions upon having a mental relapse.

if you'd like to know more about my approach, i'd be more than happy to share my story.
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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby BreakforceOne » Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:58 pm

thank god i have no mental issues i know of, but the problem i got is that nearly all of my close friends are starting to get some, about 6 of my friends have depression and there are 3 with other conditions and its really hard to see all that because i actually feel kind of powerless because i cant help anyone of them even tho i really want to :?
however, i take from your facebook posts that youre starting to feel positive right now and i wish you all the best in the world and hope it will progress further in that direction :)

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby ohmega sir » Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:05 am

I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder that causes me to feel really sick to the stomach whenever i am around alot of people or have to spend alot of time with them, It can be helped with CBT stuff but because i still have to work, and that evolves being around people all day this is a pretty constant issue, means I can get pretty angry and bitter and tired alot, which sucks cos im not really that guy.

My wife suffers from ptsd, anxiety and agrophobia, shes been on more meds than i can remember, from anti depressants, beta blockers, inhibitors etc etc, she has been in therapy and on medication for along time and these help alot, she is also very health conscious, is vegetarian(like me) and exercises and does yoga these have also helped so much.

Although things like these and bi-polar like you Snaf are really long term battles ive always found dealing with things one day at a time and finding the right combo of meds, therapy and activities can make such a massive difference.

Whats the situation like on getting medication in the states? ive heard it can cost loads and loads of money?we have universal healthcare in the UK so all the meds we need are free and so is visiting the doctor/hospital thankfully

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby Reptile » Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:35 pm

Well, i'm sorry but my english is too poor to speak well about that, but i know what you mean when you guys tell your story.

I'm an obsessed person and i don't live it very well (especialy in winter...), I think I've Obsessive–compulsive disorder, but not in point of taking medication. I've tried a therapy but the solution they offered me was medication. I refused and try to live with it.

But i think i'm far from a real mental illness, I'm just too much passionate than most of people i guess. But when i make "crisis", it's really hard to control my feelings and to act "as a normal person". I guess i learn to live with it and "to masterise" it, but i don't really learn from my previous mistakes (in relation to that reactions), and it's a real problem.

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby WonderingI » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:37 pm

Hey all... new here. i make all sorts of avant electronic stuff like dark d'nb and cybermetal!

i was also kind of doing ok till a few years back then, i got hit by multiple traumas in one year...i even luckily survived a real tornado. no one cared and i have been alone to suffer all this since.. its caused all kinds of hypersensibility, eating problems, bipolarity combined with extreme depression in winter, rage in summer, autumn anxiety. i even had first panic attack 2 weeks ago, due to a sense of isolation and abandonment. which sadly are real! and then the lucid nightmares. sometimes tremors. i never thought i would get this bad...

the bipolarity means i produce twice as much and better than ever, but for no one!

i still do feel really happy and over enthusiastic for moments, mainly late at night when a nail a cool riff or beat, but its superficial, in general nothing is fun for long.

i realised a lot and can trace much of whats been unleased to past events, a lot of connecting the dots was needed. i concluded that bullies throught my life have destroyed my value then exploited my vulnerabilities and desire to please other for their own selfish intentions.

i would be interested to hear any ways forward... but without zombieing my mind on meds, and i have no cash for therapy! and can't leave my room!

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby ohmega sir » Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:45 am

thats really heavy man, sorry to hear that.

from what i have seen online just doing my own research there are alot of free and useful forums where you can discuss what problems you are going through with both trained therapists and doctors aswell as other people going through similar problems.
I have read a lot on the benefits of diet and exercise helping to suppress the intrusive thoughts that you can get when in a depressive state, again there is tons of information online about ways to exercise and eat right on a budget (trust me its been a lifesaver for me, as both a diabetic and a vegetarian who works for minimum wage) also loads of easy to make recipes and stuff are online to eat good food that you enjoy without much hassle.
and from what you are saying about mood changes in certain seasons of the year is quite common but alot of people who get depressed in the winter is because of the change in brain chemistry when you get less direct sunlight, there are some good remedies for this, like taking Vitim C&D pills, getting a sad lamp that mimics direct sunlight they are pretty cheap and dont cost alot on your electricity bill and again eating the right foods to provide the extra stuff your body needs

these are obviously not a cure but can be helpful in day to day living
sorry i cant be more help,

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby rk9 » Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:06 am

I eactly use to self-harm a lot since I was 8. Later on when I studied industrial design mdma well going out helped me talk and think and consider and put everything in place. Not that I am in favour of self-medication and bi-polar type II is a complety different thing then PTSS, I think it even may be a bad idea but I am not sure about how bad. When ever I feel really fucked up I looked at where I am now and what I did for it. I also have a support system in place again. Sometimes I read the stories from people at (their blog on tumblr)

How ever as wel with Bipolar as Borderline the support system can be more complex then PTSS, Depression Or Autism.
If you are able you should find the people that can handle you at your worst. One of my favourite things in all cases to find a little peace and room to breath is Yoga. Things you should be able to do with people from your support system is walk, talk & prefer yoga of course.

I had an girlfriend that was bi-polar a while ago we exactly use to hit the gym or go motorcrossing.
My ex girlfrien with borderline where she later became best friends with she went to yoga everyweek and they seem to had the same kind of rage problems, I really prefer yoga. Cause with impulses it's not that smart to get on anything motorized and taking yoga makes you look inside and take more time over decissions and options and impulses can turn in to educated choiches.

Best advice I can give you, is take time and allow your self to take time.
You are not alone there are community's build on the internet for support and so on.
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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby WonderingI » Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:30 pm

thanks for the support and advice dudes! ... yeah i know i am an artist so a certain ammount of suffering and pain is normal... but shit flew out the window and i got flattened. i have to get better and move forward. i was never like this before.
sure its true i could find a virtual person in a forum to talk with, i dunno i am kind of shy and some issues are too complex for writing...

but really i think its either new friends i need the most, or a music collaboration, but not virtual. yes virtual is a temporary lifeline ... but not a real substitute for what i actually need. something in my real life to replace this endless solitary and unstable void!!!!

but where do i go?, i live out of town, and i don't really want to live in a city anymore, but thats where i would have to go to meet people... but its like a pointless lotto walking into bars clubs, i have few social skills...and everyone is rushing around like robots. i don't think i like any other people anyway. as soon as i find company i will want to be on my own.. i dunno... i stay hopeful, but my rational brain is just telling, don't be stupid, face the fact your fucked.. and then i feel like kind of lost in the mists of time... to die alone..aaarghh!

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby rk9 » Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:56 pm

I think about living the best advice I can give you is randgemeente (dutch kind of suburbs) Just out of a city or town but you be in a city in 20 minutes if you have too.

I don't know where you exactly live, I am moving over to Rotterdam soon. (Nope don't go there in your case, go near there)
For example Pijnacker or Berkel & Roderijs. Where it's easier to build a system but you have the comfort of not living in a city but have people near you in between a bigger town and a city. Try to find something simulair or if you move we will meet probably I don't know I can't promise you.

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby WonderingI » Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:03 pm

thanks a lot for the info RK9... sounds cool, yes maybe i can move there next year. the place i live now is very tranquil but a bit much is a small room to rent in these suburbs? and is it quite peaceful, i think i am too nervous to live in a place with a lot drunks, thieves or violence. and is it easy to find a part time job? sorry for all the questions!

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby verdroid » Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:14 am

I'm religious

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby WonderingI » Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:31 am

verdroid...thats post no. 666 , i can guess who your God is!

what does anyone think about the tornado?

it was the first ever where i live, just by chance, an act of God, a coincidence?

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby verdroid » Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:59 pm

Or some goverment weapon to destroy and gaining locol citizens respect by rebuilding the place with unknown benefits?!@#$

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby verdroid » Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:01 pm

Btw. Im no satanist. Knowing some of those believers and they don't seem to happy at all. Mostly depressive and suicidal

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Re: Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health

Postby verdroid » Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:02 pm



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