Breakcore Elimination Challenge Toroonto

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Breakcore Elimination Challenge Toroonto

Postby Cauterwall » Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:29 pm

« Thread Started on Jan 21, 2008, 11:01am »


Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 8:30pm
8 acts from Toronto's Diverse hard electronic scene face off to discover who will be the named the winner of Breakcore Eliminination Challenge.

The contestants are................

Robotpilot - This airborne cyborg makes a rare on-land appearance to spin records and make you dance. Seriously, a robot pilot dj, welcome to the future!

Hinder - Tron-ah's noisiest bastard takes a break from listening to the finest metal while taking over the world in the finest board game to drop his noisy ass beats and maybe even wear a bandana over his face. He has a beard to be reckoned with.

Talixzen - A spastic, seizure inducing retard raised by a family of penguins. (He actually wanted me to write this or something like it as his description)

Jubal Brown - This dude will be dropping some breakcore video works. He is the winner of the Videodrome championship, wearer of the finest winter fashions, thrower of a mean snowball, and will be your best friend on this evening.

Psyklone - Not content with one form of media, he will be using rotating discs that are 12"s in diametre, 7" in diametre, and 5" inches in diametre. Party time beats for the Wii generation.

Cauterwall - A staple in the pages of the noisy, experimental fringes of the Toronto music scene will play a gig that is not at the White Orchid for the first time in months to take a stab at BEC. I don't know what his name means, but Caterwall is defined as;
1. to utter long wailing cries, as cats in rutting time.
2. to utter a similar sound; howl or screech.
3. to quarrel like cats.

The First Seed - Enough energy to keep you warm during the cold harsh winter months. Also, Toronto's most eligable breakcore batchelor.

nwodtleM - the designer of the flyer no one seems to like. hopefully people will like the music and videos a bit more.

the event is to be judged by Kevin aka CRUSHKILL and Christian Whittal a.k.a. everyones favorite anarchist literature teacher.

Concorde Cafe
937 bloor street west @ ossington.
doors 8:30. come early to cheer on yr faves or you might not see them play at all.

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